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Why Journal During Divorce


Journaling during your uncontested divorce can be an invaluable tool. This can be a place where you relieve stress, collect your thoughts and let out pent up emotions. Note, this journal should be separate from your daily journal where you keep track of your day to day divorce details, such as how much time you spend with the kids. For more information on daily journaling to protect yourself click on PROTECTING MYSELF.

There are different ways you can use your divorce journal. If you are seeing a therapist or counselor your journal can be helpful during your process of healing and recovery. In addition, having to show your journal on a weekly basis keeps you on track with your commitment to writing. Also, some people have gone on to either publish a book or work in the field of divorce one they complete their own divorce.

Some individuals will spend a considerable amount of time in searching out the perfect looking journal, something that speaks to her/him, others are fine with a generic notebook from the local store. Pick out what feels comfortable to you.

Don't limit yourself by feeling you are not a writer. Everyone has a little writing muse hanging around, just put pen to paper and start writing what comes to mind. It doesn't have to be perfect. In fact, don't read the first few entries, just keep writing away for 2-4 weeks without reading. Grammar, punctuation and all the things your English teacher told you matter don't matter here. What's important is that you just do it, like Nike says.

There are some items to keep in mind to make your journaling as productive as possible. First, find a quiet place. If you have kids, get up before them and start writing or wait till later in the evening when you have finished dinner and have a moment to yourself.

Journaling during your uncontested divorce can be an invaluable tool. This can be a place where you relieve stress, collect your thoughts and let out pent up emotions. Note, this journal should be separate from your daily journal where you keep track of your day to day divorce details, such as how much time you spend with the kids. For more information on daily journaling to protect yourself click on PROTECTING MYSELF.

There are different ways that you can use your divorce journal. If you are seeing a therapist or counselor your journal can be helpful during your process of healing and recovery. In addition, having to show your journal to your therapist on a weekly basis can help to keep you on track with your commitment to writing. Also, some people have gone on to either publish a book or work in the field of divorce one they complete their own divorce.

Some individuals will spend a considerable amount of time in searching out the perfect looking journal, something that speaks to her/him, others are fine with a generic notebook from the local store. Pick out what feels comfortable to you.

Don't limit yourself by feeling you are not a writer. Everyone has a little writing muse hanging around, so just put pen to paper and start writing what comes to mind. It doesn't have to be perfect. In fact, don't read the first few entries, just keep writing away for 2-4 weeks without reading. Grammar, punctuation and all the things your English teacher told you matter don't matter here. What's important is that you just do it, like the Nike commercial says.

There are some items to keep in mind to make your journaling as productive as possible. First, find a quiet place. If you have kids, get up before they do and start writing, or wait until later in the evening when you have finished dinner and have a quiet moment to yourself.

Write from you heart. Write down whatever comes into your mind. Don't be concerned with anything except expressing yourself since no one will see it unless you show them. Keep on writing until you feel you no longer have something to write. Challenge yourself and just keep writing until you have exhausted your feelings and thoughts. Divorce can take a while to work through, so don't be concerned that you seem to be going around in circles. This too shall pass.

While writing you don't have to be nice. This is the place where you can write what you really think of your spouse. You can yell at him/her, tell him/her how hurt you are, what really made you angry– you get the picture. If you are having a hard time writing down your feelings about your divorce, write about how you have been physically affected. This may include how your heart was racing, how your blood was boiling and/or how your stomach got cramped up and you felt nauseas. Make sure though you keep this journal in safe place away from your spouse.

Journaling can be a great way to effectively and inexpensively express yourself and move through your emotions and the grieving process. Make the commitment today to yourself to go get a journal and start writing. You may want to pick up a journaling book or do some online research about journaling that can give you some ideas to get started.

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