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Job Hunting for the newly divorced


Re-entering the workforce after a divorce can seem like a monumental challenge. In the case of women, the longer they have stayed out of the workforce the greater their income potential drops; current statics show that women who are out of the workforce for over three years have their potential earnings drop by forty percent. We have some tips to make the transition smoother and to help you get started right away.

Be Open

Don't just consider what you have done in the past, keep your options open. Since you are newly divorced, this is a good time to reflect on what you would like to do and possibly make a fresh career move. You don't have the location constraints of a spouse to think about any more. Think about where you would like to live now that you are divorcing and can live wherever you would like to live.

Write Out Goals

The next step is to write out your long-term goals after your divorce. It's important to write it out, see it on paper and be as clear as possible. Focus on how these goals will benefit you in the future. Now take a long-term goal and break it down into actionable steps. Small steps will help to keep you from feeling overwhelmed. Post yourself reminders of your goals. This could be anything from a sticky on the bathroom mirror to a written reminder you carry in your purse/wallet. In addition, tell your friends – they can be your best support in reaching your goals.

Be organized

Update your resume; get a career coach with the money you saved with your uncontested divorce. Make sure to get your skills up to date with college education or workshops. Consider joining professional groups, signing up for online courses and volunteering. You want to demonstrate that you are up-to-date in your field and committed. Toastmasters International is a great group to join to improve your public speaking skills; they can also help with your elevator pitch and presentation skills. In addition, AARP (for people over 50) offers coaches and resume assistance.

Get the Word Out

Start with your close circle of friends, and quickly move from there. Network, network, network. Take every opportunity to talk to people. This could be done anywhere from waiting in line at the grocery store to the new support group you just joined. Also, incorporate social media in your after-divorce job hunt. Take advantage of free social networks and create your own publicity. Get onto LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and

Don't Give Up

If you find your goals or actionable steps aren't working out, you can always go back and modify them. Lastly keep focused and don't give up. Have you heard about the best selling book "Chicken Soup for the Soul?" The book was rejected by over 140 publishers – Don't ever give up!

Once you have written up your goals and actionable plans to re-enter the workforce and are ready to start your affordable uncontested divorce contact Attorney James Cairns for a free initial consultation at 888.863.9115. For an immediate free virtual consultation click on DIVORCE WIZARD. The Divorce Wizard will analyze and qualify your case for an online Pennsylvania divorce, calculate your legal fees, and file your case immediately at an affordable cost. It's just like sitting in our office for a free consultation. Also, read about our client testimonials and reviews.

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