Going through a divorce is without doubt a difficult situation. It can bring a lot of buried emotions to the surface and force them to be dealt with. It is also a significant change and for many people, such a substantial shift in their lives can often be a tough thing to go through at the time. But does divorce lead to depression? One recent study seems to combat the age old view that most people who go through a divorce will be depressed for years to come after signing the papers and finalizing the decision.
A new study from the Clinical Psychological Science, a journal of Association for Psychological Science has stated that a divorce can lead to depression episodes but this is predominately amongst individuals that already suffer from depression. While the study was taking place, around 60 percent of the participants that had suffered from depression previously also dealt with an episode of depression during the follow-up. This 60 percent was compared to the only 10 percent of depression episodes on the follow up amongst individuals that hadn't divorced but had suffered from depression, or individuals who had divorced but didn't suffer from depression. For those who do have a history of depression it is important to take this into account so that conscious steps can be taken to avoid episodes.
When going through a divorce, working with an attorney can be one option that greatly reduces the amount of stress and can enhance the results that are obtained. Through representation, a Pennsylvania divorce attorney can look out for your interests and provide you with invaluable service from start to finish. Rather than leading to depression a divorce can lead to a new beginning. It doesn't have to be as difficult of a process and working with a Pennsylvania divorce lawyer can turn it in to a far more beneficial experience.