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Divorcing? Don't Make These Social Media Mistakes!


Social can be so addicting. With Facebook for example, you can stay in touch with your family in California, chat with your best friend on Facebook Messenger, stay on top of your child’s school events, and even watch the news. What can’t you do on Facebook?

You may have ditched Twitter a couple years ago, but you probably have an Instagram account. You may use it as much, if not more than Facebook. You may even have a Snapchat account (even if it’s your teen’s favorite). What we’re trying to say is social media has changed our relationships in more ways than one. It has transformed our social lives, some say for the better, while others argue “for the worse.”

If you log onto your social media accounts on a weekly basis, if not daily basis, listen up. This post is for you. When you get a divorce, there is definitely a right way and a wrong way to conduct yourself on social media. If you’re careless, it could derail your divorce, causing unnecessary delays.

Divorce & Social Media Etiquette

As you can imagine, divorce is a very sensitive time for couples. Even if you were wronged by your spouse, talking about it on social media won't help. If you’re reckless on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, it can impact your divorce proceedings, especially if a post gets back to him or her and enrages them, transforming an amicable divorce into an all-out divorce war.

As you head toward divorce, you must be aware that social media accounts are a treasure trove of evidence and a slipup can impact spousal support and child custody for years to come. That said, here’s what you need to know:

Before and during a divorce, follow these social media tips:

  • Do NOT change your status to “single” until you are officially divorced.
  • Do not discuss anything about the divorce on social media.
  • Do not badmouth your spouse on social media.
  • Do not post any pics that you don’t want the judge to see. We’re referring to pics of you drinking, partying, dating, or wearing revealing clothing. Such pics can thwart a child custody case in an instant.
  • If you are claiming that you can’t afford spousal support or that you need it, by all means don’t post pics of you on a lavish vacation or making expensive purchases.
  • Realize that even if you block your spouse, there’s a good chance that a mutual friend can take screenshots and send your spouse images of your posts. So, once it’s posted, it can get back to your spouse no matter how hard you tried to prevent it.

If you’re seeking a no-fault divorce, the best way to keep things calm is to treat your husband or wife with dignity and respect. Avoid posting anything on social media that may upset your spouse and turn your friendly divorce into a bitter, protracted, costly battle.

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