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Can’t Agree With Your Spouse in the Divorce? Take This Advice!


If you’re getting a divorce, it’s highly likely you and your spouse have been disagreeing on the same issues for a long time. Usually, when important disagreements just can’t resolve, one spouse finally throws in the towel on the marriage and contacts a divorce attorney.

The question is, will the constant disagreement pour over into the divorce process? Will you butt heads over your divorce issues just as you do with others? After all, a contentious divorce can be stressful, time-consuming, and expensive and nobody wants that! Here’s our take on this sticky, yet all too common situation.

Focus on the Common Goal

If you have found it impossible to agree on practically everything with your soon-to-be-ex, you may be reasonably concerned about walking head-on into an ugly divorce. For starters, our advice is for you to recognize that you should focus on sharing a common goal with your spouse, one that takes both of your futures into consideration. By reaching a mutual, common goal, it can help you both reach a quicker, cheaper, and less stressful solution.

For example, if you and your spouse agree that your children’s best interests are your #1 priority, both of you can find common ground as you work towards a logical resolution that benefits all members of your immediate family, the individuals who will be directly impacted by the divorce the most.

Another example of you and your spouse finding a common goal is one that dramatically drives down the costs of your divorce. Considering that you’ll be dividing your marital estate, you both benefit by a cheap, no-fault divorce. Our advice is to ensure that you both share your common goals and visions with your attorneys as this can help facilitate good communication, respect, and civility throughout the divorce process.

“As difficult as it may be, keep looking forward rather than in the rearview mirror. Remind yourself that the decisions you make today are the foundation of your future. Make sure to nurture yourself and protect hope. Be open to all possibilities. Focus on the business aspects while addressing the emotional and psychological challenges.

“The end of your marriage may or may not be amicable, but you can choose to manage your emotions and prioritize so that the divorce and co-parenting might be. Each step you proactively take, as well as the missteps you avoid, will get you closer to the future you want to create,” wrote Heather L. Locus in Forbes.

To obtain a cheap, no-fault divorce for only $299, contact Cairns Law Offices today for a free case evaluation!

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